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A happier alternative to traveling as a digital nomad

Let us face it - Whether it be walking on white sand beaches in Hawaii or feeding giraffes during breakfast in Kenya, if you are reading this you must have dreamt of traveling the world. For some, even the fancy and somewhat-new idea of being a Digital Nomad might be enticing.

But is it truly for you? Are you never going to feel the need to go "home" and have some stability? Is it sustainable? Will your current or future partner be open to the idea? And what happens when you decide on having a tiny hooman? Life steps in and makes being a digital nomad extremely difficult. Yes, some people succeed at it, but for how long? And how happy are they behind-the-scenes?

In this post, we want to evangelize a different way to travel. A happier way to travel. It is a given that this applies to people who have the ability to work remotely, but it can also apply to you if you can take week-long vacations.

Truth is, you don't need to abandon your home for a rewarding travel experience. You just need to travel often enough in as relaxed a way as possible, to get contentment out of traveling.

Here is your cheat sheet.

  1. For people who can work remotely, travel to and stay in a city for atleast 2 weeks. Work when you need to, and be out and about rest of the time.

  2. For people who can only take vacations, take atleast a week off, giving you a good 9 days to squeeze in travel, while still relaxing.

And the final mantra - do this multiple times a year and don't hop around a lot.

Make sure that you are spending enough time in a city to soak in the culture and the vibe. That's the most important aspect here.

Why do I suggest this as the mantra for traveling? Because this incorporates traveling as part of your life, while giving you a home to go back to. There is a certain happiness in knowing that I'm NOT a nomad. I have a home, which I can choose to go back to at any point of time!

We've worked from places like Hawaii, Chicago, Amsterdam, etc as part of following this strategy. And after all the fun we have while travelling, we love it when we step back into our home to a known-life. The few weeks/months we spend at home are effortless, as we just sink back into our regular schedule. But if we were traveling endlessly, it'll become a burden to figure out our new routines in every place we go to !

There is a certain happiness in knowing I'm NOT a nomad.

How many times a year is enough? That is entirely up to you and your style. And that is what makes this approach an awesome one to follow. Once you start traveling in this manner, you'll automagically figure out your rhythm and what works best for you personally.

Now that's some food for thought! Mull it over, and in the next post for the series, we'll discuss financial concerns around this way of traveling! :)

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